How to make a donation
via your bank

Set up a standing order

The most efficient way to support Sion Community financially is by instructing your bank to send a regular gift. You can do this through your online banking portal or by sending your bank a letter.

To do it online, please complete this form so we know what you intend to give, and we will immediately send you our bank details (check your junk mail folder if you don’t receive something a minute or two after completing the form).

If you would prefer to send your bank a letter, please email our treasurer, Beryl, who will assist you or call her on 01277 215011.

Make a one-off donation

You can make a one-off gift to Sion Community by a direct bank transfer through your online banking portal.

Please complete this form so we know what you intend to give, and we will immediately send you our bank details (check your junk mail folder if you don’t receive something a minute or two after completing the form). If you are a UK taxpayer and would like Sion Community to claim Gift Aid for your donation, please include your address and postcode.



Thank you for your generosity