Secondary School Mission

Encountering God in a joyful and accessible way

Encountering God in a joyful and accessible way

A school mission brings a Sion Youth Team to work with your school for a week. The aim is to help students and members of the wider school community encounter God and grow in understanding of the Catholic faith.

A school mission brings a Sion Youth Team to work with your school for a week. The aim is to help students and members of the wider school community encounter God and grow in understanding of the Catholic faith.

A Sion Youth Mission enables a school to:

  • Revisit its mission as a Catholic School.
  • Have the Gospel proclaimed in a radical and accessible way to both staff and students within the school context.

A Sion Youth Mission enables a school to revisit its mission as a Catholic School and have the Gospel proclaimed in a radical and accessible way to both staff and students within the school context.

A Sion Youth Mission enables a school to:

  • Revisit its mission as a Catholic School.
  • Have the Gospel proclaimed in a radical and accessible way to both staff and students within the school context.

Our approach

Our approach

Before mission

The school is prepared for mission through school visits. We aim to prepare a group of students who will be able to assist with the running of the mission during the mission week itself.

The Mission Week

During the week of mission the message is presented through assemblies and via workshops and other activities.

Prayer is a fundamental part of the mission experience and this can include ‘Lightfever’ adoration times, ‘Prayer 4U’ personal prayer experiences, sacramental confession and either a final mission Mass or Liturgy of the Word. The team can also offer an introductory session to ‘Youth Alpha’ which the school can continue to run after the mission week.

Our activities are lively and a mission week includes a lot of fun as well as times of deep reflection on the Christian message, all facilitated through drama, music and song, personal testimony and prayer.

After mission

After the mission, schools are encouraged to keep in touch and students are welcome to join us for our in-house youth events such as D-Weekends and D-Fuse.

We can also offer retreat days to schools who have had a mission, as a way of helping to keep the flame alive.

Would you like to know more?

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